
International Council of Development Center

To guide, groom, and uplift talents from slum areas, this NGO was established with the mission of providing educational training, vocational courses, job fairs, and job placements. The initiative also includes programs such as SSC student felicitation and career guidance, aimed at empowering both youth and adults to build better futures. What sets this NGO apart is its self-funded model, with 20% of personal income contributions dedicated to building infrastructure, hiring teachers and staff, and facilitating training programs.

Located in the slums of Vikhroli, Mumbai, the NGO has made remarkable strides in a short period. Over the past two years, it has trained nearly 2,400 individuals and successfully placed 1,650 of them in various organizations. The impact of these efforts has not gone unnoticed—local MPs, MLAs, corporators, and other government authorities have recognized and appreciated the significant contributions made by the NGO in transforming lives within these communities.

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